5 December, 2022
Minyip and Horsham commit to gender equality
Submitted by Women's Health Grampians MINYIP-MURTOA Football Netball Club and Horsham’s Amateur Basketball Association have committed to the gender equality initiative ‘Act@Play’. “The Minyip-Murtoa Football Netball Club is excited to be...

Submitted by Women's Health Grampians
MINYIP-MURTOA Football Netball Club and Horsham’s Amateur Basketball Association have committed to the gender equality initiative ‘Act@Play’.
“The Minyip-Murtoa Football Netball Club is excited to be undertaking the program, as it will extend the work the club is implementing with CoRE Alliance,” Minyip-Murtoa Football Netball Club President Scott Arnold said.
“We believe the program will contribute in creating a positive and progressive club culture as it aligns with our club values.”
Horsham Amateur Basketball Association President Jon Fitzgerald said that the Association was “thrilled” with the Act@Play initiative.
“We are fortunate to have this type of program that focuses on sporting codes within our local community,” he said.
“This will allow us to ensure we are creating an inclusive and welcoming environment at the association, and strengthen our work with younger generations around gender equality.”
Delivered across the Wimmera, Act@Play supports sporting clubs in challenging violence against women, gender stereotypes and gender inequality while empowering women and girls and building respectful relationships.
Act@Play believes that gender inequality is a driving voice behind violence against women and encouraging respect in communities is a vital part of preventing violence before it happens.
Both sporting clubs are working alongside Women’s Health Grampians (WHG) as part of the initiative, which is funded through Sports and Recreation Victoria.
“Women’s Health Grampians is pleased to be working closely with the Minyip-Murtoa Football Netball Club and the Horsham Amateru Basketball Association,” WHG Chief Executive Marianne Hendron said.
“(WHG) knows the important rolesporting clubs have in rural communities and the influence these settings will have in creating positive change around gender equality and violence against women in the local community.”
If anyone would like to find out more about the work of the CoRE Alliance and get involved in taking action to create safe, equal and respectful communities and organizations, further information can be found at
Read More: Minyip