
General News

17 February, 2023

Mental health support a priority for Minyip Murtoa club

Minyip Murtoa's footballers and netballers have put their combined fundraising strength behind mental health outreach in the region. The football netball club recently gave $2000 to Grampians Health Edenhope’s Rural Outreach Program. Rural...

By Wimmera Mallee News

Scott Arnold (Club President), Mal Coutts (Rural Outreach Worker), Tim McKenzie (Senior Football Coach), Lachie Young (Club Legend), Sheridan Petering (Senior Netball Coach) and Jo Grant (Rural Outreach Coordinator).
Scott Arnold (Club President), Mal Coutts (Rural Outreach Worker), Tim McKenzie (Senior Football Coach), Lachie Young (Club Legend), Sheridan Petering (Senior Netball Coach) and Jo Grant (Rural Outreach Coordinator).

Minyip Murtoa's footballers and netballers have put their combined fundraising strength behind mental health outreach in the region.

The football netball club recently gave $2000 to Grampians Health Edenhope’s Rural Outreach Program.

Rural outreach worker Mal Coutts and Grampians Health Edenhope’s primary health coordinator Jo Grant, who coordinates the Rural Outreach Program, visited the Murtoa football ground to receive the donation.

More than 40 people witnessed the handover before training.

Club president Scott Arnold presented the cheque and expressed gratitude for the program.

“The Rural Outreach Program is great to have in our community and we value it," Mr Arnold said.

"We've seen it in action and we know it works.

"This program is important and we're proud to be able to support it”.

Mr Coutts thanked the club and its members.

“It's great that (it) got together to fundraise and support us," he said.

"I'm amazed that the community would back each other and do that, but at the same time it doesn’t surprise me.

"After being at the club a few times now, I know what a great family the club is and how much they support each other.”

Ms Grant agreed, saying: “This makes such a difference.

"Donations and community support enable us to continue to deliver our program direct to the community in their homes, on their farms and in their clubs.

“We thank the Minyip Murtoa Football Netball Club (FNC) for their generosity and support.

"Together we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by mental health issues and create a more inclusive and supportive community."

The Rural Outreach Program is a free service aimed at improving the wellbeing of community members who are struggling.

It offers a timely service, with a worker who is available to meet in person or over the phone with anyone who is looking for assistance.

The worker will listen, provide support and, if needed, help by linking people with the appropriate services.

The Rural Outreach Program also offers standard accredited youth or adult mental health first aid training to local clubs and organisations and can provide customised refresher courses.

Recently Minyip Murtoa FNC hosted a mental health first aid refresher course tailored to focus on the group's particular concerns.

Details of the Rural Outreach Program and mental health first aid training are available by phone on 1300 688 732 (1300 OUTREACH) or by email at

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