
General News

14 May, 2024

Early learning centre jobs remain unfilled

Hopetoun early learning centre which closed in April owing to staff shortages has not yet reopened, despite telling failed candidates it has had a "very high" standard of applications.

By Zoey Andrews

Hopetoun Early Learning Centre.
Hopetoun Early Learning Centre.

Jenny* has worked in early learning for more than 30 years and holds a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies).

She started as a diploma-qualified worker, and was a centre manager before returning to further tertiary studies.

She recently resigned as kinder teacher at Beulah and Hopetoun, and found employment in community support work.

"I'm loving doing what I am doing, but it is a casual position at this stage," she said.

Jenny said she applied for the position of Early Learning Service Leader at Hopetoun, but received an email advising her that due to the high calibre of applicants, she had been unsuccessful.

"The overall standard of the applications has been very high and after careful consideration I regret to inform you on this occasion we have decided not to progress your application further," she was told.

"Everyone who I am still friends with from the kinder, or parents who would see me in the community, would ask if I had seen the advertised job," Jenny said.

"So I applied for it, had an interview with a couple of ladies from Uniting, and the day following received an email saying sorry, but they had a high calibre of applicants and I wasn't successful.

"I can't do any more then apply for the position."

At least one other applicant with experience in childcare, including as an educational leader, also was turned down for the role.

The closure of the centre has left many families in the lurch, with some forced to cut down their hours at work and others relying on community help to look after their children.

Uniting Vic Tas senior manager early learning Paula Clarke said despite receiving applications, they had been unable to fill the position.

"Unfortunately, we’ve been experiencing staff shortages at our Hopetoun Uniting Early Learning Centre and, as we don’t have the necessary ratio of staff to continue operating the service, it has been closed indefinitely," Ms Clarke said.

"Since the change of circumstances of the centre’s two educators last December, we have kept affected families informed about our staffing challenges.

"Despite actively trying to recruit new staff for months, we’ve been unable to find qualified and suitable candidates to fill the educator roles at the centre."

Ms Clarke said the organisation was unable to comment on the outcome of individual cases, but that those applying for advertised roles were welcome to contact Uniting Vic Tas for further feedback or clarification of their application.

*Not her real name

Read More: Hopetoun


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