18 March, 2024
Brim break 51 year drought to win premiership
The Brim Tennis Club stormed to their maiden Dimboola District Tennis Association premiership with a 4-1 win over Antwerp on Saturday.

The Brim Tennis Club stormed to their maiden Dimboola District Tennis Association premiership with a 4-1 win over Antwerp on Saturday.
Played at the Dimboola Health and Fitness Centre in perfect weather conditions, the Brim mixed got off to a fast start, winning four sets, 47 games to two sets, 41 games.
The Brim men dominated with a five-set, 50 games to one set 35 games scoreline. Antwerp's win came through Tim Jorgensen and Daniel Greig in a 9-5 win over Kyle George and Lachie Stewart.
Antwerp women fought back to win three sets 37 games to three sets 33 games.
The final scoreline was Brim's four match points, 12 sets, 130 games to Antwerp one match point, six sets, 113 games.
Brim Tennis Club was formed in 1899. They are celebrating their 125th year. They have only won a handful of premierships in their history, the last being 51 years ago in 1972/1973.
At their AGM last year they were questioning if they would even be able to form a side with numbers in decline.
Merrily Keam thanked the players for their efforts during the year.
"We are so thankful to the many new players that have joined our ranks this year. Qualifying as many players as possible was what we set out to do after last year's effort of not being able to field a side in the semi-finals," Keam said.
"We had a lot of players who qualified but didn't make the team which was hard after a lot contributed throughout the season and we considered them just as much part of the winning team as those on court as we wouldn't have got here without them.
"I would also like to thank Perri Proposch for her work as the Dimboola District Tennis Association Secretary. Well done for the great season."
Mixed: Nathan Jorgensen, Abbey Greig lost to Simon Bardell, Zali Angel 8-9; Tim Jorgensen, Tahlia Averty d Kyle George, Megan Watts 9-4; Daniel Greig, Alicia Albrecht lost to Hugh Keam, Katy Bardell 6-9; Nathan Albrecht, Chloe Lehmann lost to Lachie Stewart, Kylie O'Connor 5-9; Don Clark, Heather Jorgensen d Josiah Keam, Jenna Angel 9-7; Simon Albrecht, Ant Toet lost to Levi Keam, Darlene Goodwin 4-9.
Men: N. Jorgensen, D. Greig lost to S. Bardell, L. Stewart 3-9; D. Clark, N. Albrecht lost to H. Keam, J. Keam 8-9; N. Jorgensen, T. Jorgensen lost to S. Bardell, K. George 3-9; D. Clark, S. Albrecht lost to H. Keam, L. Keam 8-9; T. Jorgensen, D. Greig d K. George, L. Stewart 9-5; N. Albrecht, S. Albrecht lost to J. Keam, L. Keam 4-9.
Women: A Greig, T. Avery d M. Watts, D. Goodwin 9-2; C. Lehmann, H. Jorgensen lost to K. Bardell, K. O'Connor 4-9; A. Greig, A. Albrecht d M. Watts, Z. Angel 9-4; C. Lehmann, A. Toet lost to K. Bardell, J. Angel 3-0; A. Albrecht, T. Avery d Z. Angel, D. Goodwin 9-0; H. Jorgensen, A. Toet lost to K. O'Connor, J. Angel 3-9.